一食一味話中秋/ Moon Festival
十月一日(農曆八月十五),漢文化協會歡迎大家來漢莊共度漢民族仲秋佳節,使來賓感在感受祭月,賞月,詠月,嘆月同時,感悟天上一輪明月,人間萬家燈火。同時備有漢服漢禮展示、月餅製作,射箭,品嘗桂花酒等等. 來賓名額限制25人, 活動費用$50/位。聯係方式:
Eating and drinking in the Moon Festival. On October 1st (August 15th of the lunar calendar), the Han Cultural Association welcomes everyone to Han Culture Estate to Celebrate Han Traditional holiday, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. All guests will enjoy communicate with the moon, admiring the moon, chanting the moon, and sighing the moon. Feel the bright moon in the sky, and thousands of lights on earth. At the same time, there are Hanfu ceremony display, moon cake making, archery, osmanthus wine tasting, etc. The number of guests is limited to 25 people, and the activity fee is $50/person. Contact information:
Email: info@hancca.org
WeChat: julia6565
Phone: 917.828.0731