披著晚秋氣息 踏著色彩斑斕的落葉,來依山傍水漢莊過一個不一樣的感恩節吧。傳統的火雞,燒烤,配上漢莊特製小點,及其獨有的天人合一的美妙的氣場,相信您和親朋會度過一個不一樣的祥和快樂的感恩節的
With the breath of late autumn and colorful fallen leaves, come to Han Estate, a place is surrounded by water and hills to celebrate a different Thanksgiving Holiday. Turkey, traditional food, barbecue, and special Chinese food, and its unique wonderful atmosphere of harmony between man and nature, we believe you and your relatives and friends will spend a different peaceful and happy Thanksgiving
Time: November 26, 12pm-8pm
地點:33 Tao Road, Catskill, New York 12414
Location: 33 Tao Road, Catskill, New York 12412
聯繫方式/Contact info:
邮箱/email:info@hancca.org/ jl@hancca.org
費用:$75/位 (漢協會員,自帶漢服者,65歲以上,12歲以下半價);交通費$50/位;漢服租賃:$20/套,住宿另計
Fees: $75/person, CCA members, bring your own Hanfu, 65 years above and under 12 years are half fee; $50/person for transportation, $20/set Hanfu rental.
付費方式:網上付費享受10% 折扣
Payment methods: 10% discount if pay on line
QuickPay/Zelle : jl@hancca.org
Venmo and PayPal: