
何国栋易经系列讲座I Ching series lectures with Kuotung Ho

汉文化协会邀请到世界易经研究学会创办人易学学者何国栋先生来汉文化协会做一系列有关易学的讲座, 相信这些讲座能能带给大家智慧和健康,让更多世人知道此伟大的文化。此次系列讲座共计四天/堂,每堂课限额十名,请大家尽早报名。

The I Ching, also known as Classic of Changes or Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics.

Chinese Culture Association (CCA) is pleased to announce that CCA has invited Mr. Kuo Tung Ho, I Ching master (Taiwan), also founder of Global I Ching Association to have series of seminars about I Ching at CCA.  I Ching will bring you Wisdom and health. We are looking to seeing you in seminar. Seats capacity will be limited.

关于讲师 About the Lecturers :

何国栋(台湾新竹) , 易经学者。 他是世界易经研究学会的创始人,家学易经百科,师侍上天下然,其足迹遍及世界,多年来致力于在世界各地介绍易经,曾于联合国主讲36场的《易经》系列讲座,通过《易经》诠释万物及人生真谛,以理,气,数,人,事,物加以论证与诠释。其代表作有:《周易易解》《屈指神算》《玄空姓名学》《易道易学》《用神》《易卦名解》《周易何解》等等

Guodong He (Taiwan),  scholar on I Ching. He is the founder of the Global I Ching Association, learned I Ching encyclopedia at traditional home school, familiar Yin and Yang,   and have spent years around the world introducing/promoting I Ching; he was invited to speak at 36 different United Nations events.  His masterpieces are: <Easy I Ching> <Magic Counting> <Metaphysics Naming> <Easy Dao Easy Learning> <With God>, etc.

地点Location: 675 3rd Ave, Suite#2400, New York, NY 10017

时间Time: Monday – Thursday, May 21-24, 2018

6:15pm-7:00pm: 登记享用茶点  Check In (Refreshments Served), Introduction and Reception

7:00 pm-8:30pm: 何国栋先生讲易经Introducing I Ching

$35/class/person online, or $45/day/person at door, 10 seats available ONLY

$35/课/位网上定位,$45/天/位现场付费,仅限10 来宾

主持Host: Julia Li: 汉协会创办人 Founder of CCA

主讲 Lecturer: 何国栋Mr. Kuo Tung Ho

易学家 世界易经学会创办人Scholar on I Ching, the founder of Global I Ching Association

Please register on line at:  https://goo.gl/forms/1c9p3wS8TyfVxcrD2

or email to: info@hancca.org

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