
贺岁舞新春 Celebrating Chinese Spring Festival

春节,即华夏传统历法农历的元旦,是中国与全世界各地汉族社会的传统新年,又称岁首,新春,正旦,正月朔日,是汉族四大传统节日之首。中国古时春节曾专指二十四节气中的立春,也被视为一年的开始。汉文化协会首届迎新春将在汉文化山庄举办, 具体安排如下:

Chinese Spring Festival, the traditional lunar calendar of the Chinese/Han New Year, is the traditional New Year of the Chinese community in all parts of China and around the world. It is also known as the New Year, the Spring Festival, and beginning of year. It is also verbally referred to as the New Year, Celebrate the new year, is the first of four Han Chinese traditional festivals. Spring Festival in ancient China has specifically refers to twenty-four solar terms in the beginning of spring, is also considered the beginning of the year. The first Chinese New Year will be held in Han Culture Estate. Specific arrangements are as follows:

Location: CCA Estate at 186 Paradise Lake Road(33 Tao Road), Catskill, NY 12414

地点:汉文化山186 Paradise Lake Road(33 Tao Road), Catskill, NY 12414

Event Dates: 2/9/2018-2/11/2018


Admission Fee: Members are free, $98/person at door ($68/ person for two days), 10% off pay online, 50% off if you wear your own Hanfu (Han traditional clothing)

Transportation: $50/person round trip


会员免费。参加全程三天两夜者现场付费$98/位; 参加两天一夜者$68/位;网上付 享受10%折扣;自带汉服者享受半价

车资: $50/位 往返

汉服租赁Hanfu rental:$20/套set

客房价位fees for staying overnight:

  • 独立卫浴own bath unit:                                     $200/天/day;
  • 两间公用卫浴2 single room w sharing bath: $150/天/day;
  • 三间公用卫浴3 single room w sharing bath: $120/天day;
  • 通铺bed: $30/天/day
  • 需要住宿者须在all room/bed need to be reserved by 1/26/2018之前告知

Online booking /Contract info 网上登记/联系方式:

Web: hancca.org

Tel: 888-252-9618

Email: info@hancca.org



Chase Quick Pay: 917-828-0731


2/9/2018 周五Friday

3:00 PM-3.50pm下午3-4点:来宾陆续到来登记,享受美食鲜果饮品,汉服开篇

Registration & Check In (Refreshments Served)

4:30-6 pm: 汉协会董事书法家陈振华老师展墨賦对,茶道老師圍爐煮茶,年糕小烹

CCA Board Member, Painting Artist and calligrapher Mr. Zhenhua Chen writing at site;  Tea Ceremony

6-7:00 pm晚餐dinner

7:00-10pm:击鼓传花,吟詩賦對,传统歌舞表演一tradition game of passing flower while beating the drum; Traditional Han Dancing

2/10/2018周六Feb 10th Saturday

7-8am:晨走/靜養早茶morning walks / quiet tea
8:30 -10a:早飯breakfast

10am-10:30am: Welcome reception, Introduction of CCA

10:30–10:50:祭拜 worship

11- 11:30 协会董事介绍协会会员优惠membership promotion

11:30- 12:30写对联,福字及花道展示

couplet/ calligraph / flower management

12:30 -2pm午餐lunch
2-4 pm教授剪纸与窗花;投壶 Pitch-pot

4-4:30 继续写对联,猜灯迷 (赢着得奖) continuing write couplet; and riddles
4:30-5:00 pm下午茶afternoon tea
5:00-6:30曲艺Opera and music instruments show

6:30-9:00 pm 年夜饭 Eve dinner
9–11:50 pm 动手做吉祥结,包水饺,听琴,品茗,特邀道家思想研究学者吕锡琛教授与大家分享《道德经》概要讲道诵道德经京剧清唱,并由女儿现场奉献精彩的琵琶演奏

Making Auspicious Knot and Dumplings, Listening to live music instrument performance, Tea Tao performance, Prof. , Xichen Lyu a Taoist scholar, special guest who is invited by CCA is sharing the synopsis of the Tao Te Ching, chanting the Jing Ju Opera Oratorio, and delivered a wonderful Pipa performance by her daughter on the spot

12 am-1:00 am 团圆水饺,放鞭炮烟花,新年到midnight cooking dumpling and firework welcome new year

星期日Sunday 2/11/2018

9 -11早餐breakfast

12-1:00 pm:金獅贺春lion dancing in fresh spring

汉文化山庄一雪景 CCE in Snow

** 山庄有麻将台供有兴趣者娱乐Mahjong table is available for entertainment

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