
CCA 1st Annual Fundraising Gala

CCA 1st Annual Fundraising Gala had finished on December 3rd with oneness of heaven and humanity. Through the auction, guests obtained their favorite works as gifts for holidays; CCA and staffs are growing through their hard working. This event also brought artists and sponsors’ trust and satisfaction. It gave CCA people confidence to host the 1st International Han Culture Festival Week that scheduled for October 2020, we are hoping that festival can bring a worldwide Han Culture climax

漢協首届拍卖晚宴昨晚在天人和一下顺利结束。来宾拍到了喜爱的作品 节日礼物;漢協人在汗水中成长。来宾的微笑 艺术家及赞助者的嘉誉给漢協人力量前行。希望漢協计划的首届“国际漢文化周”能在2020金秋十月如期进行,籍此来一个国际漢文化热,我们将继续努力期待大家的继续支持

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