
端午時節體驗在漢莊 Duanwu Festival

夏至將至 端午來臨 漢協邀請大家六月八號(周六)來漢莊度過一個集知識與趣味一體的端午 The summer solstice is drawing near, Chinese Culture Association invite you to CCE on June 8th (Saturday) to celebrate Duanwu Festival with knowledge and interest

五月五日岚气开 南门竞船争看来
  —— 范成大《竹枝词》

碧艾香蒲处处忙 谁家儿共女 庆端阳

道即陰陽 知其然還需知其所以然

Tao is Yin and Yang. Need to know the reality and the source behind the reality

聼一堂小課 瞭解節日的前世今生 正本清源 A simple lesson to understand the origin of past and present of the festival

點硃砂 Cinnabar
眉心一點硃砂痣,萬花叢中一點紅       A little vermilion mole in the brow, a little red in the kaleidoscope

係五彩索 Five colors Bracelet
五色應五行 五月初五繫五彩 便是護身符上身 驅疫逐祟 长命延年 Five colors means five elements of fortune. Wiring five colors bracelet means to drive away the disease and prolong the life

端午宴Duanwu meal

動手自做各類粽子 Making your own Zhongzi

飲雄黃酒,消毒防病 蟲豸不叮Dringing realgar wine, sterilize and prevent diseases and insect bites 

漢服美人香囊 Incense Sachet

束于腰间  悬于车内  挂在包上 祛湿邪、宁心神 送暗香hanging it around your waist or your bag to bring you fortune and healthy

漢文化山莊 Chinese Culture Estate
感悟體會實踐漢文化基地 介於hunter山和哈德遜河的人间仙境 

A Place to enlightenment, experience and realization of Chinese Han Culture; a wonderland next to Hunter Mountain and Hudson

活動時間:早11點到晚7點 Event start at 11am and end at 7pm

活動費用:$50/位; 漢服租賃:$20/套 Event costs: $50/person, and $20/set for Hanfu

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