Yi Master, He Guodong to hold seminars in Chinese Culture Estate
國學大師何國棟先生,台灣人士,家学易经百科,师侍上天下然,弱冠即得印可,得其心法衣钵,志行九州岛、步万国,传文化之旨,在國際易學界享有廣泛的盛譽。他曾在聯合國成功舉辦過36場易學講座,深受廣大聽眾的喜愛,多次成為《紐約會客廳》的特邀嘉賓。何先生致力於傳授易經,在世界各地廣泛講座,足跡遍及南北美洲、歐洲、澳洲、亞洲等國家,為中華傳統文化的海外傳播做出了重要的貢獻。現被聘任為中國易經研究學會顧問委員會首席顧問、專家委員會常務委員。 2013年7月8日,在美國廣播電台講解易經,有153個國家聽眾同時收聽,廣受各界人士的歡迎。
Taiwanese Chinese culture master Mr. He Guodong, learned the Book of Changes by himself, wants to pass and teach the Chinese culture. Mr. He Guodong is reputed in the studies of the Book of Changes. He has successfully held 36 seminars in the United Nations and received warm support from the audience. Mr. He Guodong was also “New York Lounge”s special guests for many times. He is committed to teaching the Book of Changes, extensively lectures around the world, and have left footprints throughout North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and other countries. He has made an important contribution in spreading the Chinese culture throughout the world. He is currently appointed as the Principal Consultant of the Advisory Committee of the China Book of Changes, Standing Committee of the Expert Committee. On July 8, 2013, he explained the meaning of the book of changes on the United States radio, there were listeners from 153 different countries listening, and became widely welcomed by people from all over the world.
Mr. He Guodong will start from the Chinese millennium Chinese characters word structure to the natural law of convergence with the current society. He is known for his understanding of the world. He wants to do his best to help people, especially the Chinese people to understand and popularize the traditional culture from our ancestors.
Lecture Topic:
1. I Ching origin(Book of Changes)
3. I Ching meaning – hidden lessons in the Chinese characters
4. Mind Studies and I Ching –
Why is learning the “Mind Studies” the beginning to learning I Ching
5. The Four Laws-
Are the I Ching and ‘Mind Studies’ related?
6. People are stronger than fortune –
Does the “inevitable” exist? Can the fortune change?
7. Nature –
How to stay healthy the natural way. Do cultivating morals and cultivating health have a direct relationship?
8. YIn Yang and the five elements –
The relationship between the number of laws and the universe of life, how to respectfully find the inherent potential in the nature law?
9. The inside and the outside.
10. Easy to learn ways to stay healthy in everyday life-
Different ways to develop an healthy body and prevent future diseases.