花朝節也叫花神節,俗稱百花生日。花朝節與氣候時令關係密切,具體日期因地而異,各地花朝,均在農曆的2月份,正是早春時節,咋暖還寒。漢莊備在三月二十三,周六來分享這一美好的節日。節日期間,人們結伴到郊外游覽賞花,稱爲“踏青”,姑娘們剪五彩紙貼在花枝上,稱爲“賞紅”。漢莊爲這次花朝節備有傳統的花糕、花茶和花酒 。
同時備有祭臺以便來賓祭拜花神。春季的漢莊正是踏青采綠撲蝶詠詩植樹好時節,漢莊期待著來賓在慶祝享受華夏傳統節日同時,更多的瞭解感受漢莊及其獨特的美麗,漢莊期待著大家的來臨。活動將從早11點開始到傍晚6點結束。鑒於漢莊目前條件,此次活動僅接待前三十名登記報名的來賓。漢莊地址33 Tao Road, Catskill, NY 12414. 聯係電話:1888.252.9618/郵箱:info@hancca.org.
付款后,我们会通过您在平台上留下的联系方式与您取得联系, 并且安排交通事宜(如需)。
PayPal: Chinese Culture Association, Inc
Venmo: Chinese Culture Association, Inc.
Chase QuickPay:
Chinese Cultural Association Inc
Email: jl@hancca.org
Flower Worship Festival, one of the traditional Han people’s festivals is coming to Chinese Culture Estate in Spring season.
Flower Worship Festival, also Flower God Festival,was traditionally called The Birthday of Flowers. Flower Worship Festival is closely related with climate, therefore, the date of the festival varies depends on different places. Most of the places celebrate this festival around early February of lunar calendar. This is the time when spring is coming. On March 23rd, Saturday, Chinese Culture Estate will share this early spring experience with you. During Flower Worship Festival, people go outside to enjoy the beautiful flowers, so it called ‘Ta Qing’. Girls put colorful paper to the brushes of flowers, so it called ‘Shang Hong’.
Chinese Culture Estate will provide traditional flower cakes , flower congee, flower tea and drink, etc. This is the amazing time to come to Chinese Culture Estate, we are looking for to seeing you here and we believe you will find a lot fun at CCE, the Chinese Culture Estate.
Festival will start from 11am to 6pm. Address: 33 Tao Rd, Catskill, NY 12414. Tel: 1888-252-9618. Email: info@hancca.org
Admission Fees: Members of CCA are HALF price
Pay Online:
Regular: $50/person
Pay at door
Regular: $60/person
*Discount: $40/person
*Students, senior 62+, people wearing Hanfu, ID required.
Transportation fee: $70
Hanfu Rental: $20
We will reach out to you after receipt of your payment at the contact method you left with the payment portal.
On line payment methods
PayPal: Chinese Culture Association Inc.
Venmo: Chinese Culture Association, Inc.
Chase QuickPay:
Chinese Cultural Association Inc
Email: jl@hancca.org