
2020新年 Chinese New Year

The 2020 Chinese New Year period (1/17 – 2/8, the 23rd of the Chinese month to the 15th of the lunar month) is approaching. Chinese Culture Association will host New Year Celebration Event on January 25 (Sat) at Chinese Culture Estate. We will prepare facilities, food and activities, such as altar for the worship of Heaven and ancestors; dumplings, all kinds delicious foods, couplets, riddles, lion dance, archery, firecrackers etc. We are looking forward to meet more people who are interested in Han Culture and traditional customs, and celebrate this most significant Chinese holiday together.

農曆新年(1/17-2/8,臘月二十三到正月十五)正向我們走來。漢協會將於新年元旦當天(1/25 周六)于漢文化山莊(33 Tao Road, Catskill, NY) 為所有熱愛漢文化者,準備了敬天祭祖的供臺,傳統食品,包括但不局限於水餃,鷄鴨魚肉,湯圓等;春聯,有獎猜謎語,舞獅子,射箭,放鞭炮等等設備,美食及活動。 期待來賓與我們一同體驗高深莫測極簡的漢文化,並共慶這華夏最隆重熱鬧的節日。

Location地點:33 Tao Road, Catskill, New York 12414

Time時間: 11am-10pm早11-晚10

Registration link 報名及付費

付款方式methord of payments:




Chinese Cultural Association Inc
Email: jl@hancca.org

費用:$50/位,會員免費;著漢服者及65嵗以上,12嵗以下半價;網上付 費 10%優惠(不包括車資及住宿費用)

Fees: $50/person, (members free); people who wears own Hanfu, and under 12 yrs and over 65 yrs are half price ,this fee excludes transportation and board

Contact Info 聯係方式:

email 郵件:info@hancca.org/jl@hancca.org

Wechat 微信:hanwenhuaxiehui

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